厭惡 [disgust, feel an aversion for?, detest, abhor]
賣 [sell, marry somebody to somebody]
漢人族姓【酒】 [Chinese surname]
瓔 [name of semiprecious stone, jasper]
音譯字【耶】 [transcription character]
豐,力,天祐 [wealth, force, luck, kindness of heaven]
出,源 [go out, appear, go away, source, whereabouts]
音譯字,族姓【che】 [transcription character, surname]
全 [fullness, completeness]
業 [affair, action, deed, Karma]
後,來,當 [later, future, after the root of, the other]
誦,稱 [read chantingly, chant, proclaim, arrange, distribute water, row turn, line]