論 [discuss, discourse, Sastra]
音譯字,族姓【和】,清醒 [transcription character, surname, become sober, coordinate, place name]
汲 [draw water out of a well]
破,碎 [break, shatter, splinter, smash]
碎石,碎 [broken stone, shiver]
捕,釣魚,打獵,挑選,委任 [fish for, hunt, make choice, appoint, arrest, seize]
壓住,忍耐,踏 [press down, suffer]
院子,花園之謂,花圃,園 [garden, flower garden]
拉弓,張 [tighten bow, put up bow string]
勿,莫,無,不 [impossible, not allowed, be not liable to]
眨眼,走來走去,尊重 [blink, scurry, respect]
分開,切下 [separate, cut off, move off]
烤,烘 [fry, bake a cake, pancake]
農,種,耕,畦 [cultivate field, agriculture]
貫穿,排列 [dispose in a row (file), thread]
受,採,取 [acquire, receive, take]
分 [divide, share, division of property]
分(長量)地名 [measure of length (0, 311 cm), part, share, quota]
臣,官,仕 [government official]
召,給…取名字叫做,脱去 [call, throw down, free from]
分配,拾撿 [distribute, allocate, pick up]