説得快,直人 [speak rapidly, without delay]
詞,句,論,美,善,好 [word, phrase, discuss, beautiful, good]
強,思敬,強奮 [display, think a matter, carefully]
待,伺,留 [wait, track, hunt]
嬉 [be glad, enjoy, dance, amuse, play of theater]
房子,帳,住所,廟 [house, tent, dwelling, temple]
言,語,話,舌 [words, talk, language, say, report, testify, speech]
言,話,諫 [word, speech, convince]
口才 [eloquence, wittiness]
師,禪 [teacher, master, Dhyana]
記,詔書 [note, letter, imperial letter (edicts) to governors and princess]
居,安居 [live, peaceful life]
中,正 [unerring, true word]
言,語 [word, speech, language]
佞,辯 [flattery, flatter, argue]