嚇,失掉 [“shoo!, Ha-ha”, feel frighten]
怪 [amaze, be amazed, stun, stupefy]
男,子 [son, boy, fiance bridegroom, male]
刮,剝去,揉 [scrape, tear of, ripe of the skin]
強,健康,清醒 [strong, healthy, become sober]
力,強力 [power, force, strength]
虛詞 [grammatical word (prefix)]
盛,茂,茂盛 [abundant, rich, blooming, flourish very much]
盛 [abundant, blooming, flourishing]
聖人,貴,音譯字 [holy man, honor, noble, transcription character]
廣,祭語名 [broad, name of the text of the sacrifice, wide]